RFSL’s Anti-corruption policy
RFSL’s Anti-corruption policy was adopted in 2013, and applies to all operations, whether internal or external. Corruption is defined by Transparency International as “the abuse of entrusted power for private gain”. This includes everything from bribes to being prioritised for contracts. It can also include cronyism or nepotism. This is when friends, acquaintances or relatives are favoured and receive unjust benefits, for example during recruitment.
In order to achieve an equal, fair and democratic society, where human rights are respected, we need to achieve a society free from corruption. We therefore need to fight corruption in all it’s forms.
As a matter of principle RFSL does not accept corruption. We will always act and inform in the event of suspected corruption. RFSL shall see to it that:
- Co-workers and trustees have sufficient knowledge of the Anti-corruption policy and that it is carried out in the organisation.
- There are clear routines and systems to handle possible cases of corruption.
- Cooperation partners know about RFSL’s anti-corruption policy.
Our anti-corruption policy includes the ventures of RFSL’s national office’s staff and trustees, deputy consultants in Sweden and abroad, as well as cooperation with our donors and cooperation partners.
You can read more about our work against corruption in RFSL’s Anti-corruption policy.
If you have discovered or are suspecting corruption related to RFSL’s operations
Actions that violate RFSL’s policies and guidelines or harmful negligence of these steering documents are forms of irregularity which could be the basis of whistle-blowing. Therefore, you can make a whistle-blowing if you posses proof or harbour suspicions of corruption going on in RFSL or our operations.
We expect that members, trustees, co-workers, partners and others who are influenced by our operation speak up if there are serious flaws in the operation and issues that may harm RFSL.
You can also learn more about whistle-blowing and how this is handled within RFSL here.