Eastern Coalition for LGBT Equality


RFSL will be working in partnership with LGBTQ organisations from the Eastern European region, along with ILGA-Europe. The project aims to improve the lived realities of LGBT+ persons in the region and to counteract repressive LGBTI-legislation.

RFSL is working in partnership with LGBTQ organisations from the Eastern European region along with ILGA-Europe. The project Eastern Coalition for LGBTQ Equality aims to improve the lived realities of LGBT+ persons in the region and to counteract repressive LGBTI-legislation.

Within the Eastern Partnership Region Project the organisations work with regional advocacy and co-ordination, to increase awareness about LGBTQ issues in respective countries, and to strengthen the capacity of the participating organisations.

The project is focused on an exchange of experiences and collaboration between organisations in the region and in other countries. Many of the organisations also require organisational development support and RFSL will provide leadership training.

All of the countries in the region experience huge discrimination against LGBTQ people, where hate crimes and abuse are common, and their human rights are neither acknowledged nor recognised by authorities and civil society. In Moldova, for example, a survey from 2011 showed that only 2% of the population has tolerance towards LGBTQ people

Increased awareness among both politicians and the public is crucial in the struggle against discrimination of LGBTQ people. In Georgia, a survey conducted in 2012 showed 90 % of the population considers homosexuality unacceptable, with the media contributing to negative and false stereotypical ideas about LGBTQ people.

The project is funded by Sida.