Family law lecture
How does family law work for LGBTQI people who become parents? Who becomes legal parent? Why are the regulations so complex for children in rainbow families/LGBTQI families.
About the lecture
In April 2020 Rainbow families in waiting organised and recorded a digital lecture with question time. The legal practitioner Erik Mägi gave an overview of how regulations for parenthood affect different families and different ways of conceiving.
Who is Erik Mägi?
Erik Mägi is a legal practitioner and postgraduate student at Göteborgs Universitet. Along with Lina-lena Zimmerman Erik is co-author of the book “Stjärnfamiljejuridik: Svensk familjelagstiftning ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv”. In 2016 they were awarded the Jörn Svensson award for their work with LGBTQI people’s rights.
The lecture in writing
The lecture is transcribed with small adjustments.