Support through RFSL and RFSL Ungdom
RFSL and RFSL Ungdom have many support operations all over the country. We offer individual support, support to LGBTQI asylum-seekers through the network Newcomers and HIV testing. Here you'll find the necessary contact information.
RFSL Support Service
RFSL Support Service – for LGBTQI people who have experienced violence or abuse. The service provides counselling all over Sweden. It also offers counselling and consultation for the families of victims and for professionals. Support is offered in Swedish, English, Spanish, and Arabic. An interpreter can also be provided.
RFSL Göteborg
RFSL Göteborg offers counselling in most LGBTQI related issues. The support targets people older than 13 who live in the region of Göteborg. An interpreter can be provided.
RFSL Rådgivningen Skåne
RFSL Rådgivningen Skåne’s counselling centre targets LGBTQI people and their families. It offers both supportive and therapeutic counselling. Group counselling is offered as needed
Sexualterapeutiska mottagningen Skåne offers counselling to people with sexual problems. The staff at the centre are qualified psychologists trained in clinical sexology and treatment.
RFSL Rådgivningen Östergötaland
RFSL Rådgivningen Östergötland offers supportive and therapeutic counselling. You’re welcome either at drop in times or pre-booked appointments at RFSL Linköping, or remotely via phone, email or video calls. You can turn to Rådgivningen with questions related to your sexual and psychosocial health.
RFSL Stockholm – Sexperternas Samtalsmottagning
Sexperternas Samtalsmottagning is a counselling centre for people in the community who have experience of, or thoughts about, drugs/chemsex. Counselling is also offered to people with experience of, or thoughts about, selling sex.
RFSL Ungdom
RFSL Ungdom offers counselling and advice to LGBTQIA people as well as people who are questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. For people up to 30 years of age. Support is provided both by email and chat. You can read more about what support RFSL Youth offers on their website (Swedish only).
RFSL Örebro
RFSL Örebro offers counselling and consultation in LGBTQI issues. The support mainly targets people older than 13 who live in Örebro Län. An interpreter can be provided.
Transformering offers support and information by email to trans people of all ages, people that have thoughts regarding their gender identity, trans people’s families and professionals and volunteers who meet trans people in their work. The emails are answered in Swedish or English. There is no access to an interpreter. Transformering has a website with extensive information on trans issues. Transformering is operated by RFSL and RFSL Youth.
Support to Asylum Seekers
Since 2024, RFSL has been running a project aimed at asylum-seeking LGBTQ people with the support of AMIF, the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund. The project is co-financed by the EU.

RFSL’s Asylum Lawyer
Patrick Bazanye
Lawyer, specialised in SOGIESC asylum and migration law
Email: patrick.bazanye@rfsl.se
Aino Gröndahl
Lawyer, legal advisor and training, SOGIESC asylum and migration law
Email: aino.grondahl@rfsl.se
Newcomers – an organisation for LGBTQI people and refugees who are newly arrived in Sweden. Newcomers’ national coordinators are based at RFSL’s national office in Stockholm. You can contact us if you have general questions about Newcomers or want information about Newcomers national operations.
Asylum counsellor
In some locations or digitally, RFSL offers conversational support for asylum-seeking LGBTQ people by a counsellor. For contact and referral to a curator, it is fine to contact our coordinating curator at asylkurator@rfsl.se
Newcomers all over the country
Newcomers operate in many places throughout Sweden. Use this contact information for local inquiries.
Newcomers Youth
Newcomers Youth — for LGBTQI people (15-30 years old) who are asylum seekers, undocumented or newly arrived in Sweden — offers many activities in Stockholm, Göteborg, Malmö and Luleå.
HIV and syphilis testing

Checkpoint Göteborg
RFSL Göteborg and PG Väst run a testing operation, Checkpoint Göteborg, which offers quick results drop-in testing for HIV and syphilis.
Time: Tuesdays at 18.00-20.00
Place: Stora Badhusgatan 6 i Göteborg
Checkpoint Sjuhärad
RFSL Sjuhärad has a testing operation, Checkpoint Sjuhärad, which offers quick results drop-in testing for HIV and syphilis.
Time: Drop-in last Wednesday every month at 17.00-19.00. You can also book a time for testing here.
Place: RFSL Sjuhärad, Magasingatan 1, 504 35 Borås
Checkpoint Skåne
RFSL Rådgivningen has a testing operation, Checkpoint Skåne, which offers quick results drop-in testing for HIV and syphilis.
Time: Tuesdays at 17.00-19.00
Place: Drottninggatan 36 in Malmö
Testpoint JH
Testpoint JH, run by RFSL Jämtland Härjedalen, is a service offering rapid HIV and syphilis testing. The service offers both drop-in hours and the possibility to book an appointment.
Drop-in: every Wednesday, 5 pm – 7 pm
Where: Thoméegränd 4, Östersund
Testpoint Stockholm
RFSL Stockholm has a testing operation, Testpoint Stockholm, which offers quick results drop-in testing for HIV and syphilis.
Time: Tuesdays at 18.00-20.30
Place: Alsnögatan 7 at Södermalm in Stockholm
Testpoint Örebro
RFSL Örebro has a testing operation, Testpoint Örebro, which offers quick results drop-in testing for HIV.
Time: Thursdays at 16.30-19.00
Place: RFSL Örebro, Västra Nobelgatan 19, 703 55 Örebro