IKEA donates one million SEK to RFSL
IKEA Sweden today releases the news that they are donating money to RFSL and four other organisations. The donations are made to support the work for people who are abused in their homes or don't have a place to call home.
The Corona pandemic has brought about an increased risk of inequality in society. To counteract this, IKEA now donates 11 million SEK to organisations that support children, the elderly, people who suffer from mental ill-health or people who suffer alienation. This was communicated by IKEA Sweden in a press release today.
Mind, Save the Children, Bris – Children’s Rights in Society and the National Association for Swedish City Missions along with RFSL are the chosen organisations.
– The organisations we have chosen to cooperate with have an outstanding commitment and knowledge that really contributes to increased health in society, says, säger Jonas Carlehed, sustainability manager at IKEA Sweden.
The donation consists of both interior decoration and money.
We will be using the donation for our meeting spaces within RFSL’s Newcomers operation for asylum seeking and newly arrived LGBTQI people.
– We are very happy about IKEA’s support. This initiative makes the increased vulnerability that is the effect of the Corona pandemic visible, and the groups who need it the most are being protected. We will be using the donation for our meeting spaces within RFSL’s Newcomers operation for asylum-seeking and newly arrived LGBTQI people, says Deidre Palacios, president of RFSL.